Carter Zenke profile picture

Carter Zenke

I create engaging computer science learning experiences for K–12 students and teachers at Hello World CS.

I previously taught at Harvard, where I oversaw educational productions and teaching operations for CS50's 5M+ students, online and on-campus.

👋 Contact me at

📸 Photography by Andrew Markham

This is a non-exhaustive list of talks, workshops, publications, and the like, organized by topic and sorted from most to least recent.

AI in Education

Teaching CS50 with AI: Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence in Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2024

Teaching with AI (GPT), SIGCSE 2024

Why a Duck? Teaching CS50 with AI at Harvard University and Seattle University, Carlos Luis Obando

Teaching and Learning Computer Science

The Role of Probing and Clarifying Questions for Teaching Fellows in Computer Science: Guiding Student Growth, SIGCSE 2024

Grading and Feedback, Jakarta Intercultural School

Teaching CS50: Practice with Pedagogy, Jakarta Intercultural School

Differentiating for Comfort with Computer Science: More Challenge, More Support, SIGCSE 2023

Listening for Wonderful Ideas: Teaching Computing as a New Teacher, Harvard University Department-wide Computer Science Undergraduate Staff Training

Teaching Over One Million Students with CS50's Carter Zenke, The CS K–8 Podcast

Teacher Professional Development

PK-12 Computing Teacher Interactions in an Online Professional Learning Experience, First Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences

Technologies for Teaching

Distributing, Collecting, and Autograding Assignments with GitHub Classroom, CCSC 2024

Providing Students with Standardized, Cloud-Based Programming Environments at Term's Start (for Free), SIGCSE 2024

Birds of a Feather Who'd Like to Share Software Together: Teaching Tools that Improve Efficiency and Outcomes, SIGCSE 2024

Distributing, Collecting, and Autograding Assignments with GitHub Classroom, SIGCSE 2023

Providing Students with Standardized, Cloud-Based Programming Environments at Term's Start (for Free), SIGCSE 2023

Birds of a Feather Who'd Like to Share Software Together: Teaching Tools that Improve Efficiency and Outcomes, SIGCSE 2023

Birds of a Feather Who'd Like to Share Software Together: Teaching Tools that Improve Efficiency and Outcomes, SIGCSE 2022

What can('t) we see with learning analytics?, Duke University